Dec 8, 2022

Women's Gear - Inspire!

As I gaze at this picture of Jo, my way better than half wife, I get inspired! Not because of her pretty nails, her blonde hair and her fancy Ray Ban's but inspired by her infectious exhilaration. She has this ability to be as non serious in her angling as possible yet still manages to set the catch bar mostly out of reach for the remainder of the trip. I won't deny the fact that there is some luck involved but make no mistake this lady is skilled too. Skilled in a very different way than I am. While I'm dissecting every seam and eddy with every fly and sink tip combination she just goes to work without a single technical thought on her mind. Then out of the blue when you least expect it her line comes tight, reel screams and the end result is pictured above. I don't know how she does it but I sure get inspired watching her.

"The Gorge"

Gorge Fly Shop Team - 541.386.6977

"Fly Fish the World with Us"

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