I guess I could've named this revised edition, Revised Addition. I felt compeled to add to my previouse article titled:
Buyer's Guide to Specifically Designed Stillwater Fly Lines since there has been a new line introuduced that came out shortly after the piece was written. That new series of fly lines where created in partnership by Phil Rowley and RIO, to bring us some exceptionally nice, and to be honest long needed floating, Interemdiate and Hover type lines. Not that we didn't already have these types of lines available, it's just that these new lines feature new upgrades.
First off, what makes these lines unique right off the bat, is the integrated tippet ring into the front of the fly line where you would attach your leader. This has virtually eliminated the loop to loop connections that tend to irritate some fisherman, especially when using techniques which require bringing the loop to loop connection inside the guides at the top of the rod. Techniques where longer than normal leaders are used is my case in point. This also allows for easy changing of the lines, without sacraficing existing leaders.
If you've ever searched YouTube for information regading stillwater/lake fly fishing tactics and or techniques, chances are you've already watched a few or more of Phil's educational videos. I know I've personally watched nearly every one, and more than once. Phil knows his stuff and anyone can gleen from his knowledge. His experience and expertise bring credit to his creation of these lines. You can have confidence in what he says in the videos and apply these techniques using his lines for stillwater success.
"I love fishing lakes using long leader presentations. For years, loop-to-loop leader connections have made these presentations challenging. We now have a solution. As a devoted stillwater fly fishing, these Ambassador lines are a game changer, making long leader presentations a breeze. The smooth leader-to-line connections of these lines slide through my rod guides smoothly, not only when threading the rod and preparing to cast but, most importantly, allow me to bring long leaders into the rod without binding at the tip to land fish efficiently. With loop-to-loop leader-to-line connections removed, on the water line changes are now a breeze. Having these lines in my kit bag gives me a critical presentation advantage." - Phil Rowley | RIO Ambassador
These new lines are offered in 6 and 7 weight versions, for the most popular rod weights used in stillwater fly fishing. I recently got out on one of many of our local lakes to give these new lines a go. Although I didn't use everyone of them, I did use the "Stillwater Floater" and "Aqualux" versions. Lake fishing has been pretty good the past couple of weeks, although I have had to live vicariously through others who have actually went out. Although I am jonesing to get out and use my brand new Outcast Pac 1000 for the first time, my current schedule has not allowed me to do that. That issue will be resolved soon because I am taking a few days off to specifically fish! So no more excuses. I will update when I get back...
Ready to roll - Loads up nicely in the bed of my truck.
...Well, I'm back. Spent a little bit of time fishing the lake recently with the new RIO Ambassader Series Phil Rowley lake lines and I am in love. The lines performed flawlessly and were a joy to fish. Due to conditions I mostly fished the new Phil Rowley Aqualux line, although I did spend a bit of time fishing dries on the surface with the Phil Rowley Stillwater Floater as well, and enjoyed a few fish on the dries. The dry fly bite didn't last for too long and then I was back to using a parabolic line, that worked well.
Super Happy with the Outcast Pac 1000. Perfect for lake fishing.
Just like the new
RIO Abassader Series Phil Rowley Lines, my new
OUTCAST PAC 1000 worked stellar on the lake and my customized rod holders also worked great, not to mention the view was stunning. The
Pac 1000 was super study and stable. I am a big guy at 6'5" 240 pounds and it was literally the perfect size for me. At one time I had two eagles flying overhead and an Osprey caught a fish right next to me, I only wish I could have gotten his catch on film. It was pretty cool!
If you're an aspiring stillwater fisherman or a seasoned verteran, give the new RIO lines a go and seriously consider a pontoon or float tube, they are worth it. I am a firm believer in things new and improved and especially if it makes me more efficient and or effective, and these lines do that. If your tired of fishing on the bank and want to me more effective in covering water and hard to fish areas, look at the Outcast series of pontoons and or float tubes, you'll be glad you did.
Thanks for reading.
GFS Team
John G.
Look at the stunning detail of a decent rainbow trout caught using a Parabolic stillwater fly line.

"The Gorge"
Gorge Fly Shop Team - 541.386.6977
"Fly Fish the World with Us"
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