Feb 20, 2022

Bringing on Cortland Fly Lines and Euro Rods

This euro game is getting pretty big and Cortland has been a part of that for a long time. We've heard the demands from our anglers and are answering the call. If you don't see what your looking for drop us a note and help us get those products in stock for you. 

Besides lines we also brought in several models of Cortland Euro Rods including the Competition MKII Series and the Cortland Nymph Series. 

The other line we get a lot of calls for is the Cortland Liquid Crystal Series Saltwater Flats Taper and the Saltwater Tarpon Taper.

We also brought in several other items of interest including the revered Sylk and Camo Intermediate fly lines.


"The Gorge"

Gorge Fly Shop Team - 541.386.6977

"Fly Fish the World with Us"

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