Lamson Remix Fly Reels have some changes for 2020
The most notable change on all Lamson Reels is the new adaption of numbering system. You may recall the old system of 1.5, 3, 3, 3.5 and 4. Now, New for 2020 the number system will correspond with line weight size. 3+, 5+, 7+ and 9+. It's going to take a little getting use to but in the long run should be an easier discussion.
An interesting feature of Lamson Remix and Liquid Series reels and that they use the same spool. One spool works with both reels. The difference in the reels, besides look is the Liquid reel frame is made from pressure cast aluminum were as the Remix reel frame is machined from bar stock aluminum. The universal spools are all made from pressure cast aluminum. Another note is the HD version of the Remix reel also uses the same spools.
3-Pack Remix in Sublime Color |
Remix HD
For the spey or salt angler Remix 7+ and 9+ also come in a HD version featuring full cage frame
Buy Lamson Reels and Spools
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