Mar 6, 2010

Idylwilde Flies And The Essence The Tube

Zach Mertens at Idylwilde Flies has created a solid company that provides a fulcrum to the ambitious angler. Balancing the exquisite with the raw, his patterns are designed by the industry's elite and they are leading the progressive charge in fly technology. It is nice to see someone who not only writes the checks, but who is out there living it, and swinging these patterns in our surrounding waters. They have recently revamped their website, so check it out and pay fine attention to their blog. A great piece on tube flies is listed as Brian Silvey explains the benefits of one of his greatest patterns. I am right on board with the tube fly revolution and I commend their innovative dedication in this realm.
Click it.....


  1. Hey Travis the link you had up there was going to a blank page so I put a new posting up for you. I can get you new log stuff if you want as well. Thanks for the nice words really appreciate it. You don't have to lie about me being on the river though. Zach

  2. zach,
    that is an epic doo. thanks for the update to the web link as i am still trying to figure it all out. love the patterns and the enthusiasm.

  3. Should have seen the mullet I was rolling in High School


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