Jun 11, 2024

The Last 100 Miles - A Fight for the Deschutes River

The Last 100 Miles movie is set to premiere this Summer.  This is a documentary created from the passion to keep the Deschutes River cold and healthy.  We are fighting for clean cold water, which seems simple enough.  But, we are going against much larger endities.  Fellow fly shop owners, guides, outdoor enthousiast and so many who have created and built their lives around the Deschutes River.  The health of this river, the fish, animals, insects and everything that calls the Descutes River it's home is in jeopardy of survival if we do not do something now.  We do not want to show future generations what the Deschutes River used to be like....we want them to see and experience it.  

The Deschutes River Alliance website is full of information....the link is below if you would like to learn more.

The Premiere of this movie is July 9th in Portland Oregon at Cinema 21.   August 7th, 2024 the movie will be shown at the Columbia Center for the Arts, then in The Dalles and Maupin.  Click the link below for screening times, location details, and tickets.   

If you would like to make a donation to the production of the movie, click the link below.



"The Gorge"

Gorge Fly Shop Team - 541.386.6977

"Fly Fish the World with Us"

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