Jun 6, 2018

Wet Fish - Video

Carrying a waterproof camera has opened up my world to underwater photography. I find the pictures and video I get to be natural and pleasing to the eye. Unlike "hero shot" photos, underwater pictures capture the natural beauty of every species big or small.

It's a great photo op method when you do a lot of fishing alone. Selfie hero shots are never cool. With a little practice you can get great photos and practice the "Keep em wet" type of fish handling.

Fly...In or out!? Some of the photos I like the fly in the picture because it stores a record of what that fish ate and in some cases even shows the aggression of the attack but I favor the non-fly photo/video release type of photography were the fish is set free to return to its habitat.

My main camera is an Olympus Tough TG860. It's an old model now but they still make this series. I've just added a GoPro to my equipment and set up a Ram mount system on my boat for hands free operation. Looking forward to future pics and video.

Keep it real,

Greg Darling 

"My Passion For Fishing Is A Lifelong Pursuit Of Discovery"

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