Feb 24, 2018

Sage Spectrum Fly Reels - New for 2018

I've fished a lot of different fly reels in the past 10 years. Many of them were Sage fly reels. In fact most of my favorites from that course of time are Sage reels. As I think back on it I can't remember so much as one flaw or failure that occurred fishing a Sage reel.

New for 2018, Sage introduces a family of reels called Spectrum. In this series are three distinct models: Spectrum Max, Spectrum LT and Spectrum. Many of the features these reels come equipped with are proven technologies from previous Sage models.

Features unique to all three Spectrum Models

Sealed Carbon System (SCS) Drag

The SCS Drag system starts with proprietary high-grade US made carbon which can repeatedly handle high pressures and extreme heat. This system has been found on many past Sage models reels including the 8000, 6000, and 4200 Series. It's dependable, smooth, repeatable and sealed. All three Spectrum models are easy conversion to left or right hand retrieve.

One Revolution Drag Knob

All three spectrum reels feature numbered knobs with built in detents and audible clicks for repeatable precise settings. Each reels drag is hand calibrated for precision and consistency. The Spectrums' drag knobs grip easy and turn under smooth consistent tension.

Large Concave Arbor Design

The Spectrum spool design provides all the advantages of large arbor with improved structural integrity of a concave design. This concave design improves strength while minimizing material. In short:Stronger and Lighter.

Cold Forged Aluminum

All three models are machined from 6061-T6 Aerospace grade Aluminum and precision machined on high tech CNC equipment to exacting tolerances.

The Three Spectrum models cover you from Tarpon to Trout

Spectrum Max
Think of Spectrum Max as your heavy-duty saltwater style reel. Max is built on a strong frame to handle tough species like Tarpon or Chinook.

Left to Right: Squid Ink, Stealth, Cobalt, Silver
Their large diameters and widths hold large quantities of backing. They can serve as tough spey reels as well. The Squid Ink color is made to match the New for 2018 Sage Salt HD Fly Rods.

Spectrum Max Specifications
MODELWeight (oz)Yards BackingDiameter (in)Width (in)
5/65 1/2WF5+200yds/203 11/161 5/16
6/75 11/16WF7+200yds/203 13/161 3/8
7/87 1/2WF8+200yds/204 1/81 1/2
9/108 1/2WF10+200yds/304 3/81 5/8
11/129 3/8WF12+300yds/304 11/161 11/16

Spectrum LT
Think of Spectrum LT as your lightweight model designed to cover everything from trout to light saltwater applications. It's a great match for rods like the Sage X Series, Foundation and MOD.
Left to Right: Black Spruce, Silver, Lime, Stealth
The diameters to weight specs rival most competitors best lightweight offerings in this class of reels. The Black Spruce color is a match for Sage X Fly Rods.

Sage Spectrum LT Specifications
MODELWeight (oz)Yards BackingDiameter (in)Width (in)
3/43 7/8W4+100yds/203 1/41 1/4
5/64 1/4WF6+100yds/203 5/81 5/16
7/86WF8+200yds/2041 3/8
9/107 1/8WF10+200yds/304 3/81 1/2

Sage Spectrum
Packed with features you'd expect on higher priced reels. I refuse to use the term "value" or "budget priced" to describe the base Spectrum model. Many times you don't need all the strength or lightness in a reel. For those applications the Spectrum is the answer.
Left to Right: Stealth, Blaze, Lime, Platinum
Sage Spectrum matches up well to rods like Motive, Pulse, Bass II, and Foundation.

Sage Spectrum Specifications
MODELWeight (oz)Yards BackingDiameter (in)Width (in)
3/44 3/16WF4+100yds/203 1/41 1/4
5/64 3/8WF6+100yds/203 5/81 1/4
7/86 3/8WF8+200yds/2041 3/8
9/107 5/8WF10+200yds/304 3/81 1/2

Sage builds high quality, dependable good looking fly reels and I don't hesitate to utilize them. I've already added a Spectrum Max 6/7 in the Squid Ink color to go with my Salt HD 790-4. It's a great match all the way around. Look for it to show up in my future media.


Gorge Fly Shop Internet Sales Manager | Product Specialist

"Fly Fish the World with Us"

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