May 29, 2017

Alaska Adventures - Morrison Files

Hi Lyndsey,

Another great trip, this is another one of those that we will more than likely do again and again. We lived aboard a 56’ boat, it had a 17’ beam and there was plenty of room for six guests and three crew. We fished four different islands and never saw another footprint other than ours. Even though Petersburg receives an average 130” of rain per year we had rain on our first afternoon and then nothing but nice weather after that. It was cool to cold in the morning but comfortable in the afternoon. Everybody caught fish and they were beautiful wild Steelhead. One day we fished for Halibut and anything else that would bite and caught three Halibut and four Yellow Eye. Those became dinner for two different nights and everyone still got to bring fish home. The Steelhead were all catch and release. I managed to break one of the switch rods, it leaves today to get repaired. Luckily it waited until near the end of the last day. Jeanette caught on to Spey casting like a pro thanks to the skipper, great teacher and Jeanette was a great listener. This was her first real trip to Alaska, you can tell how much she enjoyed it by the smiles in the pictures. I did tell Jeanette that we could do this for the next twenty years and never have weather like this again.

Home for seven nights

Sitka Spruce

Hope all is well, I just had to share this with you guys.

Take care,


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