Jul 29, 2016

Hood River Cleanup!

August 20th is the official Love Your Columbia Day.

We at the Gorge Fly Shop are proud to sponsor a clean-up of the Powerhouse area on the Hood River.  This location is popular with fishermen, joggers, swimmers and locals just taking a stroll up the pipeline trail... and it is full of garbage.

We are working in coordination with Columbia Riverkeeper to clean up the areas along the river that are popular with fishermen as well as the area along the pipeline trail.  This is an all ages event that will be fun and rewarding.

More info on #LOVEYOURCOLUMBIA can be found here.

Last year, 458 volunteers for #LOVEYOURCOLUMBIA collected over 11,000 lbs of trash from various sites along the river.  Join us this year as we do our part to keep this area clean and beautiful.

The clean-up will start at 2:00 pm and run until 4:00.  There will be a raffle for a couple of cool prizes donated from the Gorge Fly Shop, the Kayak Shed, and other local businesses as we collect donations.  Prizes for the most garbage collected as well as raffles and snacks.  Meet fellow river lovers, fishermen, kayakers and do something good for the community.

We will provide the gloves, garbage bags and soft drinks.  You provide the labor...

Please email any questions to:


or call the Gorge Fly Shop: (541) 386-6977

See you on the river.


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