Sep 17, 2014

Morrison Files: Summer Edition

Hi Lyndsey,

Finally summers about done, most of our trips are now in the books and I’ve got to go to work for a while. I’ve attached some pictures, the first two are from the Middle Fork of the Salmon trip in late August. Jeanette caught the cutthroat on a stimulator with legs, a really nice fish. The next is a shot of Big Creek that feeds into the Middle Fork, the main river was blown out so we fished anyplace we could and this one was hot. After we got home I had a show to go to and then we went to Twisp, WA for Labor Day and fished the local lakes and streams and had a great time. The remnants of the fires were all around but there was still lots to do. Two days after we got home Craig, myself and a couple of good friends went to Cordova, AK, after getting stuck there for three days because of bad weather we finally flew out to the Tsiu River, pronounced Siu. It’s about a 45 minute flight over some really beautiful and rugged country. There were four of us and we were only able to fish Sunday, Monday and half a day on Tuesday but we still managed to catch 302 silvers and one 10# steelhead between four guys. Not a bad trip, plus once we got there it never rained and that’s a real bonus in Alaska especially this time of year. The one with me is a 16# Silver, what a place to fish. There is an area there where they go after top water flies, it’s really a kick to have a silver come up and slurp your fly off the top.

One last trip, Jeanette and are going to do the Rogue in late Oct for half pounders and hopefully one’s bigger than that. If 2015 is half as good as 14 has been I’m looking forward to it.

Hope all is well with you guys and that you’ve been able to get out and play a little.

Take care and I’ll talk to you later

A. Morrison

"Fly Fish the World with Us"

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