Mar 17, 2014

Fly Fishing Chronicles: Dead Nook Rising

Buried deep in the fly fishing chronicles we bring you this short tale and a word of advice...

Kevin releasing his dead Chinook
After hours upon hours of staring at bobbers, Kevin finally hooks up on a bead. The fish goes airborne, twice. Jumping, slashing at the surface, and finally makes a run, going deep. Then the line goes tight and…. Nothing happens. He pulls and pulls and we finally see the lunker on the end of his line. With its last grasp of life, a fall Chinook ate a bead, made a run and died, while hooked. Literally dragging in dead weight, we “released” the prize to become fertilizer for the river. On a side note, that was the second dead Chinook Kevin landed that day. The first one was dead when he hooked it in the mouth…. Still looking for our chrome steelie fix to this day...

Photo close-ups courtesy of Josh Jablow

Andrew Perrault

"Fly Fish the World with Us"

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