Feb 19, 2014

No Rhyme nor Reason for Frostbite

Kast Steelhead Gloves (Call to Action)

"But damn if these things aren't sweet."
My hands be cold
The tips so numb.
I cannot hold the line
My casting now so dumb.

But lord behold a miracle
Waterproof Kast gloves so snug.
I can deftly hold my Skagit
No muting of the steelie tug.

The grip and grin I do not dread.

The wrist cuffs waterproof like none.
Though river temps are frigid
I do not freeze once release is done.

Style with gloves rarely is a concern

But damn if these things aren’t sweet.
Black with fluorescent green highlights.
Provide a rare visual treat.

I’ll no longer dread jet boat runs.
Those rides with cold wind blown
Kast gloves block those gusts
No fingers red like nose of clown.

The fit is true
The price is right.
Call my friends at the Gorge Fly Shop
They’ll set you up tonight.

- Charlie Chambers

"Fly Fish the World with Us"

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