Aug 21, 2013

What's up with Gabe: 2013 Catch Up

So what’s Gabe been up to you ask?
Well Gabe is getting a little older now and suddenly girls may have topped the list of most important species to pursue so he GAVE UP FISHING! Hold on! While there may be some truth to the girl part rest assured that fishing is not going to take a back seat to any other interest. Girls if you want to hook this young man you may want to start with taking up the sport of fishing. Yep, Gabe is still hard on the quest to catch fish with every available minute possible.

Most recently Gabe just got back from a fish camp put on by Trout Unlimited and we’ll get the full report on that but first let’s catch you up to date for the summer so far.

Summer Bassin’
On Foot
On Fly
No Fish is Safe
So I got a call from Gabe the other day just after he got back from Trout Unlimited camp. It’s a bit of a condensed version but you’ll get the idea.

Wednesday afternoon...Phone rings! It’s Gabe...Hey what are you up to? I just got back from Trout Unlimited camp...Awesome! Tell me all about it...It was so cool like me and this one kid went fishing way up in this tiny creek and like the fishing was crazy. I had to go into the woods and relieve myself and came back to find fresh bear scat where I’ve been fishing and etc, etc, etc...

We’ll catch up to Gabe in person for a full report coming soon!

Greg Darling  - The Tormented Angler
Gorge Fly Shop Product Specialist

Get caught up, read our other "What's up with Gabe" stories.

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