Aug 25, 2013

Hail to the King, Baby - Alaskan King!

Alaskan King

British royalty. I’m dumbfounded by the obsession of the American public to any news of the monarchy. The name of the new prince took center stage on all the major networks. The only U.S. coverage I enjoyed was the Saturday Night LIve skit discussion the appropriate names for the royal birth canal. The only royalty that I swear fealty swim in the rivers of the Pacific Northwest, the Chinook or King salmon. Trying to get the anadromous royalty to come to a swung fly is a challenge especially in the lower 48 where run numbers are a fraction of their former glory. However, Alaska bears a number of rivers that support large healthy runs of salmon.

Most anglers when talking King salmon.. continue reading

"Fly Fish the World with Us"

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