Jun 11, 2013

Fly Fishing Report: 6.11.13

Raft waiting at the launch for a sweet float down the Klickitat River....

Stay tuned for upcoming reports... if you call the shop wondering if its worth the trip to head out to the river or lake, I'll tell you ahead of time... "YES!"... I'll ask you if it's time for you to get out of the office away from your desk, I'll ask you if you love fishing, I'll ask you is there anything better to do with your time off...get out there...it's ALWAYS worth it! There is so much to do outside in the Columbia River Gorge it not even funny... I've lived here most of my 50 years and folks come into the shop and ask me if I've ever fished here or ever fished there and there have been a few times I've had to honestly say "No" and they look at me like..."What?"...and I just have to tell them that there is so much opportunity, I haven't got to that spot YET...

Gorge Fly Shop

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