Apr 15, 2013

Palometa Club: Never Ready...

My Tropical Fly fishing adventure trip is booked...Now what do I need to make this a great trip!
Greg Darling: Photo taken on 2009 Trip
While this may sound strange to some but for me getting ready for a fishing trip is fun in itself. The planning, anticipation and gear preparation is exciting. Its the years of learning the sport, learning the species and collecting gear that now it comes down to using the knowledge to put together all the stuff that will make a great trip without hauling a truck load of gear to the airport and spending all your fun money on luggage fees.

This Trip is taking me to sunny tropics on the northeastern edge of Ascension Bay to the Palometa Club in Punta Allen, Mexico where the Permit are big, Bonefish are plentiful and Margaritas are waiting for you when you arrive back at base after a day of adventurous fishing.

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