Apr 12, 2013

Arapaima Jungle Fishin'

Do you daydream about fly fishing? Since you are reading this, of course you do! Are the dreams ever about fly fishing in the wild and remote jungle of Guyana for Arapaima? What is an Arapaima? A fish that lives in freshwater, grows to over 300 lbs and will eat a fly….. sometimes. So put down that beer and hit the weight room to get ready to have even a chance at landing one of these monsters.

In 2012 anglers sponsored by Costa del Mar did exploratory fishing in the hopes of having a sustainable catch and release fly fishery that would benefit the local tribe. They lost the first 17 fish they hooked up. They came back for more punishment, braking fly lines and rods, but resulting fish to hand.

It is amazing that these extraordinary fish are still around as they are extinct in other places. What will help preserve these fish and the ecosystem they live in is signing up and fishing for them. They fish only 5 weeks per year, with 4 anglers per week. Yes, that is 20 anglers per year. The money goes to the local tribe to have their land and waters remain intact. There is pressure to mine and log their land.

They made a very compelling movie about all of this. 

Just a little preview

The next available space is November 8-15, 2014. The rate is $6000 per person. Please email or call if you are interested in living the jungle dream for a week.

Jerry Swanson
Fish Head Expeditions, LLC

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